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3 BC Drives You Might Not Know

Best bc drives you might not know

I bet right now after a few weeks inside during COVID-19 have you dreaming about your next unforgettable drive. Here are three lesser-known routes in British Columbia that are perfect for a road trip.

  1. The southern leg of Yellowhead Highway 5

The southern stretch of Yellowhead Highway 5 connects Kamloops with Tête Jaune Cache, an abandoned historic town that sits at the foot of Mount Robson. This beautiful drive follows the green-hued North Thompson River and offers panoramic views of the forested grasslands and hillsides of the Thompson Plateau as well as the commanding Rainbow Range, with its centerpiece Mount Robson, the highest point in the Canadian Rockies.

There’s a lot of great hiking and camping along the route in places like Rearguard Falls Provincial Park and Jackman Flats Provincial Park.

  1. Highway 20 to Bella Coola

The Bella Coola Road refers to a 451-km stretch of Highway 20 that winds through the picturesque Bella Coola Valley. It puts you in the vicinity of the beautiful Great Bear Rainforest and the historic community of Bella Coola, which is steeped in Native American history and famous for its artisanal craftsmanship.

The road itself passes through many remote areas that offer opportunities for beautiful hikes. However, this drive comes with a disclaimer. The Bella Coola Road can be nerve-wracking for some drivers. While the first 319 km are paved, the remaining segment is gravel and features some steep grades as well as some narrow sections where the driver heading downhill must cede right of way to the driver going uphill.

  1. Stewart-Cassiar Highway

Do you want to discover the north of the province? You won’t regret taking Highway 37, also called the Stewart-Cassiar Highway. This is one of only two routes connecting British Columbia to the Yukon and Alaska.

The Stewart-Cassiar Highway is a scenic route that stretches across sparsely populated regions and provides access to three well-maintained provincial parks that offer opportunities for hiking and fishing: Meziadan Lake, Kinaskan Lake and Boya Lake.

The highway is almost entirely paved. However, note that snowfall can occur in early fall through to late spring. Moreover, drivers need to be extra vigilant as there’s a lot of wildlife around.

Dependable Auto Repair and Maintenance in British Columbia

Before you leave, get and oil change and have your car’s brakes inspected before. The team at Minut-Tune & Brake can help with all of your car maintenance and auto repair needs. Contact us to book an appointment at one of our service centres in Vancouver and throughout British Columbia.


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