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5 Ways to Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter Driving

Driving in the snow and on icy roads can be dangerous. That’s why it’s important to take the time to prepare your car. Here are five steps you should take to get your vehicle ready for the winter driving conditions that lie ahead.

winter driving

  1. Change your wiper blades. Windshield wiper blades made for winter are stronger and heavier, making them better at moving snow and ice. While you’re at it, don’t forget to switch to a windshield washer fluid that won’t freeze in below-zero temperatures. And be sure to carry an extra jug of fluid with you at all times.


  1. Have your coolant flushed. Coolant, also known as anti-freeze, protects the engine from overheating in the summer and freezing in the winter. To keep the cooling system working well, a flush is necessary every few years. At the same time, check the level of the transmission, power steering and brake fluid.


  1. Schedule an oil change. Schedule your regular oil change, but consider switching to an oil that has the lowest viscosity level recommended by your car manufacturer. This will prevent it from seizing up on frosty winter days.


  1. Check your battery. Car batteries only last three to five years, so if it’s older than that, a new one will ensure that your car will start even on the coldest mornings. If you have a newer battery, inspect it for damage. The clamps and wires should show no signs of corrosion and it should be clean with no signs of white powder (a sign of leaked battery acid).


  1. Get winter tires. Many routes in B.C. require the use of snow tires, but even if you live in an area that doesn’t require them, they’re still a wise choice. If you’re not using new tires, check to make sure the tread is still deep enough to provide the necessary traction when driving in the snow.


Get Your Vehicle Ready for Winter
Do you want to get your winter tires installed? Is it time for an oil change? Or perhaps your vehicle needs some type of auto repair? No matter what your automotive needs are, Minit-Tune & Brakes Auto Centres can help. With two locations in Coquitlam, and many more across the Lower Mainland, you won’t have to go far. Simply contact us today to schedule an appointment and we’ll be happy to lend a hand.



Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres Address Common Issues

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