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The Importance Of Antifreeze In Engine Health

A crucial part of winter car maintenance is your engine’s antifreeze level and concentration. Understanding and maintaining the right balance can prevent engine freezing issues and ensure your car operates smoothly. Here’s a guide for keeping your engine running optimally, even during the most bitter cold snap.

Antifreeze and engine health

Antifreeze explained

Antifreeze — known as coolant — regulates your engine’s temperature and prevents it from overheating and freezing. Coolant circulates through a vehicle’s cooling system, absorbing heat generated by the engine. It then flows to the radiator, where air cools it, and returns to the engine. This cycle prevents overheating, protects against freezing, and enhances engine efficiency by maintaining optimal operating temperatures. Antifreeze also contains chemicals that reduce corrosion and scale buildup.

During winter, low antifreeze levels can expose your engine to the harsh realities of freezing temperatures. Modern vehicles typically come equipped with a translucent coolant reservoir, allowing you to visually inspect the antifreeze level quickly. Keep it filled within the recommended range to protect your engine against the winter onslaught.

Concentration matters

A balanced mix of antifreeze and water, often in a 50:50 ratio, ensures optimal protection against freezing and overheating. Too much antifreeze can diminish its effectiveness, while too little leaves your engine susceptible to freezing. If you’re uncertain about the concentration in your coolant mixture, a simple and affordable tool known as a hydrometer is your best friend. A hydrometer is available at most auto parts stores and takes the guesswork out of maintaining the perfect antifreeze concentration.

Why the fuss?

A frozen engine isn’t just an inconvenience — it’s a potential disaster. Being stranded on a frosty roadside due to a frozen engine is not only frustrating but can also be hazardous.

Moreover, a well-maintained cooling system doesn’t just prevent freezing — it contributes to your vehicle’s overall efficiency and longevity. Think of it as an investment in the health and performance of your car, ensuring that it operates at its best even when the temperature takes a nosedive.

Seek professional assistance

While checking your antifreeze levels and concentrations might sound like a DIY task, not everyone feels comfortable popping the hood and tinkering with their car’s vital fluids. If the prospect of maintaining your antifreeze levels and concentrations feels overwhelming or too time-consuming, contact an auto repair shop. Experienced mechanics can thoroughly inspect your cooling system, identify potential issues, check for leaks and replenish or flush the coolant.

Auto Repair from a Reputable Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centre

Are you looking to get a maintenance tune-up for your vehicle? Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres are here to help. We have multiple locations throughout Vancouver, B.C. and Alberta. Contact us today to find a location near you and schedule an appointment.


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