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Tips to Care for Your New Car

Ways to Keep Your New Vehicle in Great Condition

There are few things more exciting than buying your first (or second… or third…) new vehicle! Whether it is a sensible car for commuting, truck to take on the back roads, or van to fit the whole family, it is important to care for it properly and ensure it has a long life. Even though it hasn’t seen many miles yet, it is crucial to plan a maintenance schedule as soon as you get it home. New vehicle services at your local auto shop can ensure you treat your vehicle right from the start. That way you can enjoy that new car smell, look and feeling for a long time – instead of paying more for repairs down the road.

3 Easy, Important Steps to Care for Your New Vehicle

Here are three steps you can take to keep your new vehicle in mint condition:

  1. Wash: Even though it hasn’t been on many roads, your vehicle can still pick up dirt and grime while sitting in the dealership lot or when being transported. Once the vehicle is in your possession, give it a good thorough cleaning using the proper tools. Car shampoo and microfiber towels will ensure you avoid creating swirls and get great results. If you want a really thorough clean, use clay to remove residue that can get stuck to paint and hold on even after a good cleaning.
  2. Protect: Protect your vehicle’s paint job by using a car wax, paint protectant or paint sealant. The existing clear coat will protect the shine of your paint but will not provide adequate protection from the elements it will face on the road as you drive it home. Avoid oxidization by using a paint protecting product as soon as possible.
  3. Maintain: While the look of your car is important, getting the proper maintenance will ensure everything stays looking and running like new. Under the hood needs attention to, so book your new car service at Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres to get regular repairs and maintenance performed. Our trained technicians have years of experience and can handle your new car with care. If your vehicle is new to you, but not ‘new’, we also offer used car inspections so that you can be confident in your investment.

Start taking proper care of your new vehicle by reading the owner’s manual and calling the Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres location nearest you to book your appointment. Regular auto repair or maintenance will ensure that your vehicle stays in great condition from top to bottom. Visit one of our 18 convenient locations across BC and Alberta.

Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres offers auto repairs in Vancouver and surrounding cities, so you can get convenient vehicle services when you need them. Let us start your new vehicle on a regular maintenance plan today. Contact us to learn out more about our services or book an appointment online.


Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres Address Common Issues

Here at Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres in British Columbia, we’re always pleased to help our customers get the most out of their cars and trucks. To that end, we’ll add a relevant blog topic from time to time to keep you up to date and getting the most out of your vehicle.
