Beat the BC Heat with a Well-Maintained A/C
We spend more time in our cars than most of us realize. Whether it’s your commute to and from work, or you plan on enjoying summer travel, the hours spent in your vehicle are more bearable with a working air conditioner. Last August, Vancouver citizens experienced their hottest month in 50 years. This year promises to be no different, and temperatures in your car can rise at incredible speeds. What feels like 32°C outside can easily get to 49°C in your car’s interior. Not only is this uncomfortable, it can also be unsafe.
The well-trained technicians at Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres have perfected the art of A/C maintenance and understand how important it is during the warmer months. With Vancouver temperatures in mid-May topping those in places like Miami and Los Angeles, there are some things you can do to make sure that your car doesn’t rival your oven any time soon.
Make Your Vehicle’s A/C a Priority
The best way to avoid problems with your car’s heating and cooling system is to take preventative measures. This means getting regular tune-ups and speaking with a trusted mechanic as soon as you notice any issues, including:
- Lukewarm Air Output: If the air coming out is lukewarm or only slightly cool, you could be having issues with your condenser or be dealing with clogs that have developed due to a lack of use. This emphasizes the importance of those regular checkups, and the need to have your car tuned up before it starts to get much warmer outside.
- Compressor Problems: Your car’s air compressor is what contains the refrigerants and it works with a number of systems to pump the cooled air into your vehicle’s interior. If this isn’t working, then you definitely aren’t getting cooler air to the inside of your car. There are any number of issues that can cause the air compressor to stop working. Trying to self diagnose can be difficult if you don’t know your way around a car.
- Leaks in the System: Another extremely common issue is a leak in the cooling system. This can occur for a number of reasons, but usually has to do with wear and tear on the hoses or leaking fittings. Have your mechanic at Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres check the levels of refrigerant in the entire A/C system.
Don’t Let the Next Heat Wave Catch You Off Guard
Since 1941, BC has seen several years with temperatures easily exceeding 38°C. In 1998, several areas reported even higher temperatures—and this year proves that things are only going to get hotter. Even the Old Farmer’s Almanac couldn’t have predicted the increase in the heat index, and gambling with your car’s A/C isn’t a good idea.
Be Proactive and contact Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres for A/C maintenance and repair. We have 18 convenient locations to choose from, and our skilled technicians are ready to help you stay cool in your car this season.
Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres Address Common Issues
Here at Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres in British Columbia, we’re always pleased to help our customers get the most out of their cars and trucks. To that end, we’ll add a relevant blog topic from time to time to keep you up to date and getting the most out of your vehicle.